Saturday, February 12, 2022

Hoss Collar results for Monday, February 7th

 Hoss Collar results for Monday, February 7th, were as follows:  It was a very brisk evening but 25 hardy and physically fit participants were up to the challenge. Jim Voth came in 1st Place with 690 points; Gary DeRosier came in 2nd Place with 630 points and Karl Pettersen came in 3rd Place with 612 points.


Hoss Collar results for Wednesday, February 9th were as follows:  It was an absolutely beautiful night with just a small, but a little bit chilly breeze hanging around court #6. There were 41 of us playing and we had lots of excitement when a cottontail rabbit decided to race across Titleist and with a flying leap he jumped onto court #6 and then raced across courts 7, 8, 9, and 10 all while we were yelling and the discs were flying.  He wasn’t hit and he ran around between the shuffleboard shack and the Sunrise Room and out of sight. His little heart was probably pumping pretty fast. Maybe he was late for dinner, who knows.  Dale Husted won 1st Place with 585 points; Marlys Timm won 2nd Place with 569 points and Larry Clintsman won 3rd Place with 561 points. Come and play on Monday and Wednesday evenings; we start at 6:30PM. Bring a one-dollar bill (no change please) and be ready to have some fun. Hoss Collar is very easy to learn, it takes about 5 seconds and you are playing like a pro. We also play regular Shuffleboard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 9:00AM.  This is easy to play as well.  Bring $.30 and be ready to have a lot of fun, with mild exercise and Vitamin D thrown in.  All games are random draws so you never know who you’ll be playing with or against.


Lots of thanks go to those guys who came and cleaned the courts Thursday afternoon, they sure needed it.  Karl Petersen, Larry Clintsman, Gary DeRosier, Brent McKee, Jim Voth, Dan Lang, and Les McKinney. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. The courts were really nice to play on Friday morning.

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