Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bits and Pieces Monday 4-6-2020

The Golf Cart ride was a great success. Darel Palm was the one to suggest we do this. The final count was 48 unites in the parade—40 golf carts, 2 motorcycles, several bikes, and 1 little car!! Our ride lasted about 1 hour, and we even went to Winter Ranch. Someone even yelled at us saying “We made their day”. Thanks for the suggestion Darel!  Thanks to Glyn & Lynn Massingill for leading us on the parade.

I got this in my email “Thank you, Thank you Trophy  Gardens for the great cart parade today!  You made a bright spot in our day!! “ Residents of Winter Ranch

As some of you may know that Darel had a heart attack early this morning. There is a card in the lobby of the hall for you to sign. If you are sending a card his lot # 566.

Lynn Murry reported on her daily update that there are 248 people still in the park. Be sure if you are leaving, mark your electric bill as the last one for this season. You need to let the office know if you are leaving now so they have an accurate count in the park.

Bob and Kay Lind moved last weekend.  We are in a Townhouse at 140 35th St Dr. SE; Cedar Rapids, IA 52403. We have 2 bedrooms, a large dining-living room.  3 full baths,. a full basement for Bob's trains and a room in the basement for my sewing room. The kitchen is new as there is new paint, carpet, washer dryer and all new stainless steel appliances in the kitchen.  feel like I've moved into a new home.
Bob's Cell 319-721-3352    Kay's Cell 319-826-0299 Land Line 319-377-2079

Joy Chalko let us know about a former TG  resident Twila Cole has recently been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.  She is at home now and would appreciate any cards and prayers sent her way. Her address is 2165 Lake Avenue, Twin Lake, MI 49457Also, her birthday is on April 16th.  I know all the cards I received this past year meant so much to me and I could have visitors which is not possible for her with this Stay At Home policy. John and I enjoyed our stay at the park this year so very much. Just sorry we left in such a hurry to get home that we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to many of our friends.  Blue Ribbon neighbors are the best!!  Thanks for all the good memories.  Joy Chalko 

Have a great day tomorrow!!
Betsie Brown

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