Thursday, August 27, 2020

Bits & Pieces Wednesday 8-26-2020

 Bits & Pieces

Wednesday 8-26-2020

Nancy Johnson is asking for prayers Thursday for Lowell. He is having back fusion surgery Thursday morning and we need lots of Trophy Gardens prayers.  Let's get the prayer wheel spinning for Lowell.

From Shirley Greving I am minded that I had failed to express my sincere appreciation for all the special cards and correspondence and prayers from Trophy Garden friends at the time of my dear Leland's death.  It was a very long good-bye.  The memorial service was truly a celebration of his life which encompassed the seventeen winters we were privileged to winter at your park.  Sending thanks for the well-wishes for my health I am in cardiac rehab and as hard as I am working, heart muscle repair must be working.  Love to all, Shirley Greving 

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy.

Betsie Brown

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