Thursday, July 16, 2020

Bits & Pieces Wednesday 7-15-2020

Today is tax day. Did you get yours done?

Betty Harris passed away on July 7th. Her obituary can be found at Betty was 91 years old and a full-time Trophy residence for quite a few years. Cards can be sent to Betty's daughter, Judy Peek, 4335 Pioneer Trail SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

An update on Bev McEnaney. Bev and family members are all improving.  Bev is very weak but feels like she is getting better each day. It is approximately two weeks since they got sick. Keep the prayer wheel spinning so eventually the family members can go back to work and do their farm chores.

Spin the Prayer Wheel for those at Trophy that has been tested positive for the virus. Prayers so they don't get so sick with the virus.

Stay Safe and Healthy!!

Betsie Brown

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