Friday, December 31, 2021

Hoss Collar Results for Monday, December 27th

 Hoss Collar Results for Monday, December 27th with twenty-two participants playing are as follows:  Chuck Hull took 1st Place with 722 points which put him in the “700 Club”; Bette Lee came in 2nd Place with 693 points and Moe LaFavre came in 3rd Place with 642 points.


Hoss Collar Results for Wednesday, December 29th with thirty-one participants playing are as follows: Gary DeRosier came in 1st Place with 743 points, Linda Lang came in 2nd Place with 694 points and Wayne Bach came in 3rd Place with 627 points. We meet for Hoss Collar every Monday and Wednesday evenings and start playing at 6:30PM.  Bring a one-dollar bill, (no coins please) and be ready to make new friends. We play regular shuffleboard Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and start playing at 9:00AM.  Bring $.30 cents and be ready to have fun and get your Vitamin D with a little bit of non-strenuous exercise.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!   See you Monday, January 3rd,  if it’s not too cold.

Bits & Pieces Thursday 12-30-2021

 Bits & Pieces

Thursday 12-30-2021
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!
Please start the prayer wheel for Ron and Denise Roberts.  Ron has recently been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and will start weekly chemo soon.  They are planning to sell their Lake of the Ozarks home and move to Kansas City to be closer to family and doctors.

It had been learned that Cliff Taralson passed away on December 7th.  To send cards to Ann the address I have is:  2730 Wheatland Dr. S W, Fargo ND  58103      

Renie & Alex Stinson are looking for a golf cart to buy.  If you have one call 989-280-3659.                                                                                                                                                                           

On January 15th , there is going to be a Musical Talent Show at the First Christian Church on 1201 E. Fern in McAllen.  **Trophy's Betszi Yungclas will be preforming in the show.  The program is from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm with refreshments to follow.   Asking for a $5 donation. 

Merne & Edna are planning on coming to Trophy in the niddle of February for about 4 to 6 weeks.  They are looking for a place to rent then.  If you have anything call Merne at 712-630-1352.
Another fun day at the pool hall mixed doubles...  Well, good for some of the pool players and not so good for some...  Must have been the weather?  Here are the results...  There were eight teams that signed up and each team played seven games...  Winning six games of the seven played was team Claudette Hogenson & Alex Stinson.   Second place winning five of the seven played was team Bev McEnaney & Bob Nance...There were three teams that won four of the seven played and they were teams Donna Hanke & Lorne Evans,  team Sally Kelleher & Elmer Hanke, and team Renie Stinson & Butch Brooker...  There was one team that scored a flat zero....and that was not fun.   Again I might add that my partner and I beat the top team --  go figure ????       The sign-up sheet is up for next Sunday...  However, I want to remind you that you all will have a day to rest after the New Year's Eve party so you should all be ok to play pool...  Join in on the fun !!!!
Bean Bag Results 12-28-21:
1st place ----Paul Mettler & Ray Gillekson
2nd place----Deb Bessey & Jesse Jackson
3rd place Don Leach & A W Maretin
1st place ----Dick Brand & Larry Snodgrass
2nd place----Ray Gullekson & Bill Danielson
3rd place----Don De Zeeuw & Jan Buckholz
Take Care!!
Betsie Brown

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Trivia Results

 The older I get the more time slips away from me. We had a great time last Tuesday night at trivia. There were 5 teams and the joking and laughter were abundant. For the first time this season, we needed a tie-breaker question. It was: "how many months did Queen Victoria sit on the throne?". These tie-breaker questions always involve a number that is not necessarily easy to figure out so it really boils down to luck.

Oh yes, the answer was 763

Come give us a try next Tuesday, January 4th at 6:30 in the main hall.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday = Trophy's Trivia

 Tonight is trivia night in the Main Hall at 6:30 pm. I promised a clue to studying for one of the questions so here it is; There will be a question about South American countries.

Come join in the fun!

Uses for nail polish


Here’s my list of some uses for nail polish

  • Keep an eyeglass screw in place. We were traveling once when Hubby noticed that the tiny screw holding the left temple of his eyeglasses was loose. We dabbed a bit of clear nail polish over the screw to hold it (and Hubby’s glasses) in place until we could get a permanent fix.
  • Protect yourself from allergic reactions. The souvenir ring I purchased was making my finger itch, so I brushed a coat of clear nail polish over the interior of the ring. The polish keeps my finger from making direct contact with the ring and I can wear it without itching. (Bonus: A clear coat of polish can also keep metal costume jewelry from tarnishing.)
  • Repair a vehicle scratch. We hadn’t owned our car for very long when we noticed a small scratch on the paint. I looked through my stash of nail polish and applied a color so similar to the vehicle’s paint that the scratch is virtually invisible.
  • Identify keys. When we purchased our RV, we kept confusing the door’s entry key with the storage bay keys. So, I applied red nail polish to the top of each storage bay key, and blue to the RV’s door key. Now they are easily identified.
  • Repair minor leather scratches. A friend of mine used nail polish to repair a few small scratches her cat made in her RV’s leather sofa. Using a nail polish in a color similar to the sofa’s leather, she was able to camouflage the damage.
  • Temporarily fix a windshield nick. A rock from a gravel truck put a nick in our pickup’s windshield. A bit of clear nail polish brushed over the nick prevented a crack and we kept on traveling until we could get it fixed.
  • Prevent rust. Hubby’s can of shaving cream tends to leave a rust mark on our RV’s bathroom sink. The humidity from the room along with water that splashes when he shaves causes brown rust rings on the sink top. So, I applied a bit of clear polish to the bottom of the can that contacts the sink surface. Now no more unsightly rings.
  • Repair a tear in the RV screen door. No one wants bugs inside their RV! If you have a tear in a door or window screen you can fix it with clear nail polish. Press the torn edges together as much as possible and then coat the edges with polish. Let it dry and recoat a second or even a third time.
  • Identify reading glasses. Many “readers” look very similar. To distinguish mine from Hubby’s I put a bit of red nail polish on my glasses’ earpiece. Now we can tell at a glance whose is whose. (Bonus: I purchased several identical sunglasses for the grandkids. I used the same nail polish technique to label each pair. Now kids easily tell which pair belongs to them.)
  • Secure a button. Ever notice how the thread holding a button can begin to fray? If left untended, the thread will continue to loosen, and the button will eventually fall off. Before that happens, I apply a bit of clear nail polish to the top of the button, covering the fraying thread. The polish will help keep the button in place until I can sew the button on. (Bonus: This tip also works for fabric. One of our RV sofa pillows had begun to fray, but a quick application of nail polish fixed it. Same goes for fraying curtains or other fabric.)
  • Mark shower temperature settings. Use a bright tone of nail polish to mark your preferred temperature settings on your RV’s shower. Make a small mark on both the stationary lip and each faucet handle and take the guesswork out of shower settings.
  • Ensure a tight hold. When repairing the wooden cornice around one of our RV’s windows, Hubby discovered that the screw just wasn’t holding. We applied a bit of nail polish to the screw threads and then when Hubby fastened the screw, the polish acted like an adhesive, and the problem was solved.
  • Prevent rope from fraying. Dip the end of the rope into clear nail polish and the rope will not fray and fall apart. (Bonus: This applies to shoelaces, too!)
  • Make a liquid bandage. For small cuts, I usually use a plastic band-aid. But clear nail polish can also seal the cut in a pinch.
  • Mark remote buttons. Use glow-in-the-dark nail polish to mark channel and volume buttons on your RV’s television remote. You’ll be able to easily distinguish the buttons, even in a dimly lit room.
  • Mark your gear. Dab a small dot of brightly-hued polish to your pickleball equipment, tools, s’mores grilling forks, etc. This works especially well on items that are too small for your initials or entire name.

Bits & Pieces Sunday 12-27-2021

 Bits & Pieces

Sunday 12-27-2021


Prayers requested for Marshall and Patty Damgaard's 17-year-old granddaughter, Jillian Bailey, who will have a catheterization of her heart Monday (tomorrow), followed by open-heart surgery on Tuesday to replace the Aortic valve with an artificial one. The surgery will take place at Children's Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. Time to get the prayer wheel spinning for Jillian Bailey.


Is there someone in the park that has an E Z Go Golf Cart? I, Betsie Brown, think my charger is in bad shape, but I need to try my golf cart on a different charger. I just replaced my batteries but I think I didn't need to—oh well now I need to check a charger on my cart. If you have one I could try, it would only take a minute to know if my charger is bad. Call me 712-830-1538. Thanks.


To the pool players: Jerry Gillean is going to order pool gloves and wants to know if anyone else would like to order one too. Give Jerry a call to let him know. 918-906-0367.


Some Bean Bag winners: 12-16-2021

1st place: Jesse Jackson & Ron Beeksma

2nd place: Mike Maclaskey & Paul Mittla

3rd place: Don Wulf & Dale Zahrt


12-21-21: 1st Place: Don Leach & A W Martin

2nd place: Deb Bessey & Jesse Jackson

3rd place: Deb Thomsen & Bob Lee


Drive Safely as you are heading to Trophy!!


Take Care-----

Betsie brown


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Bits & Pieces Saturday 12-25-2021

 Bits & Pieces

Saturday 12-25-2021


Merry Christmas to all from Bits & Pieces!!


We need to spin the Prayer Wheel for Pastor Randy Parks and his family. Randy's mother passed away.


We need the prayer wheel to spin for Dolan Grashoff son of Rusty and Doris Grashoff who fell and broke his hip and needs surgery. Dolan has been fighting cancer for the past 4 to 5 years. 

It is time to sign up to carry a rose for those that have passed away in this last year.  Betsie has a list of names you can sign up to carry a rose for.  Remembrance Sunday will be  January 16, 2022.

On Monday, December 20th, a very, very cool evening, thirteen players came to play Hoss Collar. The results were, Candy Dewey won 1st Place with 607 points.  She is so very happy and proud to have won.  2nd Place goes to Stan Ringler with 594 points and 3rd Place goes to Karl Pettersen with 591 points.  Congratulations to everyone who braved the cold weather. Come and join us on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM and bring a one DOLLAR bill no coins, please. Meet new friends and get some fresh air.


On Wednesday, December 22nd, a very nice evening, twenty-two players came to play.  The results were Karl Pettersen won 1st Place with 684 points, Dan Lang won 2nd Place with 661 points and we had three players that came in 3rd Place with 620 points. Roseann Johnson, Chuck Hull, and Gary DeRosier were the players that came in 3rd Place.  Don’t forget regular shuffles Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9:00AM. Bring $.30 and play three games of fun, fun, fun.     MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!

As some of you are heading to Trophy please be careful and stay safe!! Take Care!!

Betsie Brown



Thursday, December 23, 2021

Trivia December 21, 2021

 This is me, Barb B. being surprised when Candy took my picture

The winning team- The Do-Do Birds, Sylvia, Bruce, Den, Till, Mike, and Monica.

Renie helps me out by keeping track of scores.

Hoss Collar Results

 On Monday, December 20th, a very, very cool evening, thirteen players came to play Hoss Collar. The results were, Candy Dewey won 1st Place with 607 points.  She is so very happy and proud to have won.  2nd Place goes to Stan Ringler with 594 points and 3rd Place goes to Karl Pettersen with 591 points.  Congratulations to everyone who braved the cold weather. Come and join us on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM and bring a one DOLLAR bill. No coins, please. Meet new friends and get some fresh air.

 On Wednesday, December 22nd, a very nice evening, twenty-two players came to play.  The results were Karl Pettersen won 1st Place with 684 points, Dan Lang won 2nd Place with 661 points and we had three players that came in 3rd Place with 620 points. Roseann Johnson, Chuck Hull, and Gary DeRosier were the players that came in 3rd Place.  Don’t forget regular shuffle Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 9:00AM. Bring $.30 and play three games of fun, fun, fun.     MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE   

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Trivia Tonight


From Barb B.

There will be our weekly trivia challenge tonight in the main hall at 6:30 PM. I have received word that a team of 8 from Winter Ranch will be joining us. Yeah!!!!

Sundays Pool Hall Results

 From Bev M.

 For some reason today at the Mixed Doubles tournament the object ball just wouldn't cooperate with myself and my partner so figure it was the weather that caused this...  But it was a fun time anyway ---  right pool players...????   Today we played 11 games and there were 12 teams...   The top winning teams were Claudette Hogenson & Butch Brooker and team  Barb Brooker & Paul Kelleher winning eight of the 11 played.   The second most winning team is Lynn LaFarve & Bob Nance with 7 wins...  One more team was Barb Utech & Moe LaFarve with 6 wins...    It was a great time with these great friends....

       However, the following stat is of the top four winning teams. My partner and I beat three of the teams..   Go figure ??         

           Our next time playing is the day after Christmas -- the 26 of December.  The sign-up sheet is up... Start playing time is 1:00.    Come join in on the fun...

Monday, December 20, 2021

Sunday Fun in the Pool Hall

 Everyone is gearing up for the fun to begin so I snapped a few casual photos. I doubt that many of these folks even realized what I was doing. Many are used to me lurking about with my camera.

Bev and Don W

Lynn getting a few pointers from hubby Moe before we get started.

Lynn, Paul, Moe and Mikey

Barb U. and Janet Y.

Willie and Butch commiserating

Don W. takes aim.

Elmer and Lonnie facing the camera and Bob N. and Betsie B. with their backs to us.

Janet Y. Fully focused

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Bits & Pieces Friday December 12-17-2021



I got a note from Curt Meyerhoff to let me know that Bette Pekelder of Sheldon, Iowa, passed away on December 9th. She was preceded in death by her husband Bob.


It is with sadness that I let you know that Guy Cable passed away this afternoon, December 17th. Cards can be sent to Shirlene Cable at 5500 SW Gunstock Rd., Bentonville, AR 72713.


***A Christmas Eve Candle Light Service is being planned for Trophy Gardens Worship. It will start at 6:00 pm . Bring finger food to share after the service.


Trophy Garden Reunion Full Moon Party!! When:: Jan. 17, 2022. Time:  5:00pm.   

Happy Hour Dinner.    7:00-9:00 pm. Dance

Ticket:  $1.00. If you paid for reunion    

Ticket:  $8.00. Got your money back or did not pay or come to the reunion.                                

Menu:   Smothered chili dogs.       Baked beans.      Cole Slaw.         Dessert.      Tickets on sale before and after the park  meetings                                              


Hoss Collar results for Monday night, December 13th. Twenty-two players gathered together and played three games of Hoss Collar.  A lot of high scores were achieved that night.  Gary DeRosier came in 1st Place with 766 points, Les McKinney came in 2nd Place with 730 points and Lynn LaFavre came in 3rd Place with 713 points. Lynn makes the “700” club. Great playing and lots of laughs.


Hoss Collar results for Wednesday night, December 15th. Twenty-six players showed up to play.  Janet Yeley came in 1st Place with 765 points, a new high for Janet. Les McKinney came in 2nd Place with 720 points, a new high for Les, and Gary DeRosier came in 3rd Place with 712 points. Bring a DOLLAR BILL (no coins please) and only those on the bottom three do not get their dollar back. 1st place wins two dollars plus the dollar that they brought. 2nd Place gets a dollar plus the dollar that they brought.  3rd Place gets an honorable mention. We start playing at 6:30PM so please be there by 6:20PM at the latest. The game is very easy to learn and anyone can learn in a matter of minutes. Come join us and make new friends and get a little exercise. 


We also play regular shuffle on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00AM This is a more aggressive form of shuffleboard.  Bring $.30 and try your strategy. Hoss Collar teaches accuracy, regular shuffle teaches strategy as well as accuracy. In other words, you can be very accurate but if you don’t strategize you will get “taken out” when playing a regular shuffle. Both Hoss Collar and regular shuffle teams are determined by random drawing. You never know who you will be playing with or against.  Get your vitamin D and meet new friends and give regular shuffle a try.

 I now have 175 addresses in my Address Box!! Thank you for sending your email addresses to me. It has made it so much easier for me to get up and running!!

 Take Care!!

Betsie Brown


Friday, December 17, 2021

Hoss Collar results Monday night, December 13th

 Hoss Collar results for Monday night, December 13th, twenty-two players gathered together and played three games of Hoss Collar.  A lot of high scores were achieved that night.  Gary DeRosier came in 1st Place with 766 points, Les McKinney came in 2nd Place with 730 points and Lynn LaFavre came in 3rd Place with 713 points. Lynn makes the “700” club. Great playing and lots of laughs.


Hoss Collar results for Wednesday night, December 15th, twenty-six players showed up to play.  Janet Yeley came in 1st Place with 765 points, a new high for Janet. Les McKinney came in 2nd Place with 720 points, a new high for Les and Gary DeRosier came in 3rd Place with 712 points. Bring a DOLLAR BILL (no coins please) and only those on the bottom three do not get their dollar back. 1st place wins two dollars plus the dollar that they brought. 2nd Place gets a dollar plus the dollar that they brought.  3rd Place gets an honorable mention. We start playing at 6:30PM so please be there by 6:20PM at the latest. The game is very easy to learn and anyone can learn in a matter of minutes. Come join us and make new friends and get a little exercise.  We also play regular shuffle on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00AM This is a more aggressive form of shuffleboard.  Bring $.30 and try your strategy. Hoss Collar teaches accuracy, regular shuffle teaches strategy as well as accuracy. In other words, you can be very accurate but if you don’t strategize you will get “taken out” when playing regular shuffle. Both Hoss Collar and regular shuffle teams are determined by random drawing. You never know who you will be playing with or against.  Get your vitamin D and meet new friends and give regular shuffle a try.


Iowa Weather


All of our friends made a dash for the basement and stayed there for two hours. Both of those things are highly unusual. And in December?! What the hey!

Our hometown of Jefferson had a close encounter with tornadoes in the latest weather phenomenon in the upper Midwest. Our house and pool hall were untouched. Butch's brother Leo and his wife Keri had a couple of trees uprooted. All in all our family came through this one much better than the Derecho of August 2020.

Our son Jason and his wife who live in Boone IA went to Jefferson to check out our place and all is well. He said it was eerie driving through the streets with no lights. The power is back on now. Many of our friends had damage of one kind or another.

Greene County is included in the disaster taking place in Iowa. 43 counties are in the disaster area. Iowa has 99 counties in all.

Posted by Barbara Brooker.

Walking, yes indeed...


After our walk

 We noticed that the cabbage was being harvested on the east side of the golf course. I heard by the grapevine if you happen to be by there when they are close to the fence they might offer you a free cabbage. We walked around the course but they were too far away and it takes them quite a while to do one run of the field.

So I went back after we finished our walk and took a few photos.

Guy on bike

Harvest supervisor

Winter Gardens Golf Course

Cabbage headed to the market

Winter Gardens Golf Course

The rowdy crew in the pool

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Tuesday Night Trivia

 We had a very nice turnout for trivia Tuesday night. 5 Teams of approximately 8 to a team. I need to get a bit more info from the groups so I can get a better rundown of results. I know that Team 'I Don't Know' came in first and Team 'Sure We Know' came in second. Candy D. has been doing a swell job of taking pictures and getting them on Facebook. I have fallen down in getting the pics gleaned from Facebook to get them posted on this blog.

Team 'I Don't Know' is pictured below.

And coming in second is Team 'Sure We Know'

One thing is for sure no matter the outcome we meet new people and have a few laughs along the way. Come join us next Tuesday!

Bits& Pieces Monday 12-13-2021


Vicky Brindamour is asking for prayers for her son-in-law who is in the hospital with pneumonia and complications from Covid.

We need to get the prayer wheel spinning for this man.


Janet Yeley is looking for a lift chair for Bob. If you have one to sell please call her at 317-440-4663.


Sharon Fox has become heir to a number of mens' neckties. If any quilters or crafters are interested, they can let me know at foxsc46@gmail and I will bring them when we come at the end of the month. We are anxious to see our Texas friends.    


The weeks are going so fast -- another Mixed Doubles tournament in our Championship pool hall.   Today we had 12 teams playing..  out of those l2 teams we had three new players and they are Claudette Hogenson & Kinley Poulsen and  Don Riley --  welcome new players...    I also might mention that we have one exceptional player ---  no name but her initials are C.G.  This player got three balls in on one shot... So glad that we have such a talented player... 

Now to tell the results of the 12 games played.  Each team played 11 games and the most games won by one team Mikie Patrick & Don Wulf were 9 games...    There were three teams that won 7 games and they are teams Bev McEnaney & Butch Brooker -- team Teri Thibodeau & Alex Stinson  - and team Janet Yeley & Keny Patrick...   Come join in on the fun...  Sign up sheet is up for next Sunday, December 17th.   The start time is at 1:00...  

For Sale. Park Model Lot 248. 12X34 Valley Traveland with large Texas Room. 1 Bedroom /1.5 Bathrooms, AC/Heat, Propane Stove, RO Water System, Furnished, Washer & Dryer, Deck, Metal Roof, Move-in Ready.  Call Lynn 540-533-6240


Park Model for Sale: 2005 Park Model Special Edition with Tall ceilings, Tinted Windows, 1 Bedroom w/Queen Bed, 1 Bath w/Walk-in Shower, Open Floor Plan, Propane Stove, Microwave, GE Fridge, Sony TV, Completely Furnished. Heat/AC, Covered Patio, 8” X 10” Shed. Rent Paid to March 2022. Call Lynn 540-533-6240


Take Care!!

Betsie Brown


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Trivia on Tuesday night

Bits & Pieces Friday 12-10-2021

 Bits & Pieces

Friday 12-10-2021


Don't forget to sign up for your pictures to be taken. The signup sheets are on the South wall. The picture directory is an important tool to keep up with members in our RV Park. I use one or two many times to look up someone's info. So far I have 6 books and I use the old ones a lot too. You will get a free book and a free 8” X 10” picture of your choosing, If you want extra pictures for your family you will be able to purchase those too. This is for current residents only. If you want to be on the online directory you need to contact Jason. Also if you want to get the BAND app, get a hold of Jason for that too. 956-685-5300. That is a way to get notices for instant notification such of water, food truck, veggie cart etc....


Sunday has Worship Service in the hall at 9:30 pm. Coffee, cookies, and conversation after Worship. Razz-Ma-Tazz will be performing at 7:00 pm in the hall. It is a program worth seeing as the students are great. Asking for a $7.00 donation all going to the school for the singer's needs.


Our numbers are growing in the park. Lynn reported that we are now 334 people on 188 sites and 69 pets!!! That is 34 more from last week!!

The dumpsters are for only regular household debris. NO TVs, or wood construction stuff. We will get fined if we abuse the use of the dumpsters. Flatten boxes.

She also thanked everyone for not speeding. We have bikers and walkers using the streets too. We need to slow down and this includes the golf carts!! Be sure to stop at the STOP signs.


CHRISTMAS PARTY coming up on Wednesday in the hall at 2:00 pm. Much planning has gone into this party so plan to come and have fun. There will be a Scavenger hunt, Dancing, and Games plus the famous BROWN BAG GIFT EXCHANGE. Get a bag by the Activities Office. Put your 5.00 to $7.00 gift in it and bring it to the party.


Thursday is the in-park-craft -sale from 9:00 to 11:00 am!! Come and support our crafters. I know the quilters will be selling things and Kathy will be selling her great cards!!


For Sale:  Park Model with new Texas Room. Lot 532. All new kitchen cabinets and stainless steel appliances within the last 3 years. New couch and 2 Lazy boy recliners and new flooring in last 3 years. Inside laundry and storage room.  If interested call 712-362-2046. 

This week’s Hoss Collar results are as follows:

Monday, December 6th is as follows: Karl Pettersen won 1st Place with 605 points; Roger Francis won 2nd with 597 points, and Richard Zimmerman won 3rd Place with 580 points.  We had 19 players show up as well as very strong winds but we still had fun. Bring one DOLLAR BILL, no coins please, and be there about 6:20PM.

Wednesday, December 8th results are as follows:  Karl Pettersen, (this guy is good) won 1st Place with 664 points; Janet Yeley won 2nd Place with 653 points; Linda Lang came in 3rd with 633 points. We had 31 players and four of the players were relatively new.

The weather was absolutely beautiful!! Come join us and make new friends. Every Monday and Wednesday evenings we start at 6:30 PM so be there by 6:20 PM or sooner.  Bring a One Dollar Bill and have lots of laughs. We play a more aggressive version of shuffleboard every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting at 9:00 AM, so be there by 8:45 AM.  Bring $.30 and get some exercise and your Vitamin D. It is fun!  Any questions?  Ask Dan or Linda Lang or Les McKinney, we will be glad to help.


Take Care!!

Betsie Brown

Friday, December 10, 2021

This week’s Hoss Collar results

 This week’s Hoss Collar results are as follows:

Monday, December 6th is as follows: Karl Pettersen won 1st Place with 605 points; Roger Francis won 2nd with 597 points, and Richard Zimmerman won 3rd Place with 580 points.  We had 19 players show up as well as very strong winds but we still had fun. Bring one DOLLAR BILL, no coins please and be there about 6:20PM.

Wednesday, December 8th results are as follows:  Karl Pettersen, (this guy is good) won 1st Place with 664 points; Janet Yeley won 2nd Place with 653 points; Linda Lang came in 3rd with 633 points. We had 31 players and four of the players were relatively new. The weather was absolutely beautiful, come join us and make new friends. Every Monday and Wednesday evenings we start at 6:30PM so be there by 6:20PM or sooner.  Bring a One Dollar Bill and have lots of laughs. We play a more aggressive version of shuffleboard every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting at 9:00AM, so be there by 8:45AM.  Bring $.30 and get some exercise and your Vitamin D. It is fun!  Any questions?  Ask Dan or Linda Lang or Les McKinney, we will be glad to help.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Radish,Carrots and Cabbage

Veggie cart is in the park today. Thursday mornings. My purchases added up to a whopping $3.


Bits & Pieces Tuesday 12-8-2021

 Bits & Pieces

Tuesday 12-8-2021
Nancy Johnson wrote: I'm still in the hospital with afib and doctors are changing meds. Had a stress test this morning. I'm really getting tired of this. Miss you all at Trophy!!
Guy is in terrible pain still and had an MRI again yesterday to try to understand what is going on. We are meeting with a neurosurgeon Monday at 9. They have given him enough pain meds to kill a horse but nothing is helping. Hopefully, they can find the right combination. Yes, we need many prayers for him and our family.
Today's update on Guy: The Drs have finally found the combination of meds to give Guy relief from his severe pain. He still has a long way to go when he is able to be moved to  Rehab. Prayers are working. Thanks to all our Trophy friends for their prayers.
Harvey Mulder, brother Vern, and a friend were on their way to Trophy when someone t-boned their pickup near Branson, Mo. and the friend was killed. Harvey & Vern are in the hospital in Springfield, Mo. Harvey has a broken neck and other injuries and his brother has a crushed leg plus internal bleeding. Prayers are needed for a good recovery. Cards could be sent to them to Harvey's home address: 4154 Garfield Ave., Sioux Center, IA 51250
We need to spin the prayer wheel for all of our Trophy Family!!
This is a trial Bits & Pieces to see if everyone in my Address Box gets the
new Bits & Pieces.
Take Care!!
Betsie Brown

Monday, December 6, 2021

Bits & Pieces Monday December 6, 2021

 Bits & Pieces

Monday December 6, 2021
Please put Guy Cable on the prayer list. He was in severe severe pain and is in emergency surgery trying to remove a hematoma from his spine. Since I got this I heard he is doing much better since the surgery. He can walk again and sit up. I'm sure they would still appreciate the Pray Wheel to spin for them!!
2005 Park Model Lot #670 Canterbury, 1Bedroom w/Queen Bed and 1 Bath w/walk in Shower, Propane Stove, AC/Heat, Completely Furnished, Very Nice Unit.  Has Deck, Metal Roof & Carport. 
Call Lynn 540-533-6240

 More happenings in the Championship Pool Hall...  Today December 5,  2021, there were ten teams that came to enjoy an afternoon playing in the Mixed Doubles pool tournament...    Each team played nine games...  Of the nine games played there was one team that won seven games and that was team Mikie Patrick & Willie Pryce...   There were four teams that won six games of the nine played and they are team: Connie Gillean &  Paul Kelleher --  team Barb Brooker & Jerry Gillean -- team Alex Stinson & Janet Yeley and team Bev McEnaney & Butch Brooker...  Sign up sheet is up for next Sunday, December 12th.  The start time is 1:00 pm...  Come join us in all the fun and friendship....
When you visit with friends let them know that I need them to send me an email to If they send it to me I can copy-paste them into my address box.

Take Care!!
Betsie Brown

Heavens to Betsie!

 Heavens to Betsie!

Send your email addresses to her. It makes it so much easier to get them into a group by sending them in an email. She and I would both appreciate it. 🥰
From Betsie:
When you visit with friends let them know that I need them to send me an email to If they send it to me I can copy-paste them into my address box.



Hey! Do not be forgetting the trivia competition on Tuesday night, 6:30 PM in the main hall. It is done in the pub style-4 groups of 5 questions, some easy, some difficult. Teams are made up of 8 people. If you do not have a team but wish to play we can help you find one or if you would like to watch and not play at all that is okay too.

In the Championship Pool Hall


More happenings in the Championship Pool Hall...  Today December 5,  2021, there were ten teams that came to enjoy an afternoon playing in the Mixed Doubles pool tournament...    Each team played nine games...  Of the nine games played there was one team that won seven games and that was team Mikie Patrick & Willie Pryce...   There were four teams that won six games of the nine played and they are team

Connie Gillean &  Paul Kelleher --  team Barb Brooker & Jerry Gillean -- team Alex Stinson & Janet Yeley and team Bev McEnaney & Butch Brooker...
     Sign up sheet is up for next Sunday, December 12th.  The start time is 1:00 pm...  Come join us in all the fun and friendship.

Friday, December 3, 2021


 A memorial for Cookie Dierker who passed away November 24th will be held on Saturday, January 15th at 11:00AM at the Zion Lutheran Church in Alamo, TX.  The church is located at 226 South Alamo Road just south of BUSINESS 83 on the west side of the street.  Lunch will be available. A reminder will be sent right after January 1st.

Hoss Collar Results

 Hoss Collar Results

 On Monday evening, November 29th  at 6:30PM, shuffleboard players gathered together to play a game called Hoss Collar. Wayne Bach and Les McKinney actually were on the SAME team, on the SAME court all three games.  The team members and the courts used are determined by random draw, which makes it quite unusual. They both won 1st Place with 684 points, which paid three dollars each. 2nd Place went to Moe DeRosier with 612 points who won two dollars. Their winnings include the dollar bill that they paid to play the game.  Third Place went to Moe’s hubby Gary who had 598 points and Gary got his entry dollar back. Fun was had by all.

 On Wednesday evening, December 1st at 6:30PM, players gathered to play and enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather.  Roger Francis won 1st Place with 714 points.  Roger was already a member of the 700 Club with 725 points. Linda Lang came in 2nd with 627 points. Les McKinney won 3rd Place with 623 points. The highest points ever recorded for Hoss Collar were Kristi Johnston’s 802 points. Come join us on Monday and Wednesday nights starting at 6:30PM.  Bring a One Dollar Bill (no coins please).  Everyone but the bottom three get their dollar back. Hoss Collar is very easy to learn, so come and join us and meet new friends and get some mild non-strenuous exercise, your body will be so happy that you did. 

Remember, we also meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00AM. This is regular shuffleboard and it is fun, fun, fun. It is easy to learn as well and you get lots of Vitamin D for your trouble.  Be an early bird and bring $.30 and meet some new friends.

Dan & Linda Lang

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Bits & Pieces Wednesday 12-1-2021

 Bits & Pieces

Wednesday 12-1-2021


Can you believe it is already December? Where did November go??


From the Park Meeting: 300 people on 74 sites and 56 pets.

Asking new people to quarantine for 5 days. It isn't mandatory!! Up to yourselves.


From Stephanie: Betsie mentioned that she lost all her email addresses so will send Bits & Pieces to Barb Brooker to put on her Blog for a while.

Jason tried to get the addresses back with no such luck. If you send a note your email address will be there and I can copy and paste otherwise I would have to manually type in each address. I send to over 500 people now.


The Christmas Party is coming up!! It will be on December 15th at 2:00 pm. Get a Brown Bag from the table near the Actives office for your gifts to be in. Gifts should be between $5.00 to $7.00. There will be dancing, games, and food. We ask you to bring finger food to share for at least 12 people.


The Busy Bees are planning a Chili Supper with cornbread and a dessert.  Plan on January 4th for Chili and the drawing for the quilt being raffled off that Gayle Steinbeck made.  Tickets are available in the Activities Office.


Saturday is the lot sales between 9:00 and noon. Check Band for who has sales.


Take Care!!




Wednesday, December 1, 2021

FYI about Bits and Pieces

FYI -Bits and Pieces

Betsie has had a computer glitch and has lost all of her email addresses. She has sent to people who have a Trophy Gardens connection and who have kept up with the comings and goings, birthdays, anniversaries and other such news we all want to see for many years. She is doing her best to help us all adjust to this new situation. First off you must all know that Betsie and I are not in competition with each other. I value very highly what she has been able to do all these years and it is not something I wish to handle all on my own. I am however willing to help her all I can. So you can send things to me ( and I will post them in two places; on the Facebook Trophy Gardens Group and the Trophy Gardens blog that can be found here:
When you send things to me be sure your identity is clear. If you send me things assuming I will know who you are by the content it most likely will get deleted. Remember I do not know you by your phone number either. When people send things with their phone they can arrive as numbers to the recipient. 
So help Betsie get her list back by sending your email address to her either by email or hand-delivered on a piece of paper. She will do her best as she always does and I will help her get back to where she was before the glitch.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Bits and Pieces catching up

Bits & Pieces Wednesday 11-24-2021 There was a death in the park early Wednesday morning, Wednesday, November 24.  Cookie Dierker, wife of Ed and mother of Candace and mother-in-law to Allan passed away. Cookie and Ed have been long-time residents of Trophy Gardens and have lived here full-time for several years. Cards can be sent to Ed at 800 S H 495, Lot # 590, Alamo, TX 78516. 

We need to spin the prayer wheel for Charlie Bezio. He is in the Heart Hospital and could use our prays for a fast recovery. 

It would be nice if anyone would like to get Poinsettias for Church to be used through Advent. Stephanie has a Christmas Tree that needs to be put together and decorated. It is right now on the stage in a box. It goes in front of the stairs when done. 

Park Meeting Tuesday: There are 280 people in the park on 160 sites with 63 pets. ****Starting December 1st the food truck will be in the park from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. ****The Outreach Sewing will be Monday from 9:00 to noon and Thursday is all day. **** Still openings for pictures to be taken on December 9th & 10th. The pictures are free and you will get a free picture and a picture directory. The Pictorial Directory is worth having. 

***Air Med is going to deliver your choice of a meal to you for $7.00. You have several choices of sandwiches and 2 sides. See Fran Adams or Lynn Massingill for tickets. 

**** The Brown Bag Christmas party is going to be on December 15th in the hall. Bring a gift in a brown bag for $5.00 to $7.00. Party will be from 2:00 to 5:00 pm in the hall. Bring finger food to share.

 **** The New Years Dance tickets will go on sale on Monday for $15.00. 

This week's Bean Bag Results!! 11-18-2021 1st place: Bill Danielson & Cindy Dewey. 2nd place: Lester Mc Kinney & Rick Dewey, Consolation: Bonnie Riza & Richard Zimmerman 11-23-2021: 1st place: Bob Lee & Don Riza, 2nd Place: Karl Peterson & Dave Young, Consolation: Jan Buchholz & Les McKinney.   

1998 Mobile Home Lot 725 Schult New Generation 16X60. Furnished, 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, new AC unit. Dishwasher, Washer & Dryer, Screened in Deck, Golf Cart Garage w/Roller Door. Carport Large Lot. Includes One Year Home Warranty. $35,000. Call Lynn 540-533-6240. 

There will be NO Hoss Collar shuffleboard Saturday night! The majority of those playing Wednesday night want to play on Monday nights and not Saturday nights, same time, same everything. We will still play on Wednesday nights like always.  Nothing will change except we are adding Monday to the Hoss Collar schedule. So go to the dance on Saturday night.   

Take Care Betsie Brown  

Pool Hall -Sunday Results

 Fun Sunday afternoon in the pool hall.   We had ten teams sign up and each team played nine games.   One of our teams was doing really good and won eight out of the nine games played ---  they were team Renie Stinson & Butch Brooker...  The next big winner was Wilma Weeks & Alex Stinson with six wins...  We had three teams winning five of their games played - they were teams Lynn LaFavre & Willie Pruys and Mikie Patrick & Paul Kelleher and team Donna Hanke & Bob Nance..   Sign up sheet is up for next Sunday, December 5th and start time is at 1:00 p.m.   Come join us for a good time....

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Rio Grande Valley To Do List


Rio Grande Valley To Do List

I am going to need some help with this list. Help me add to it, please. And you folks who are no longer coming down please send me an email to tell me what you most miss about the Rio Grande Valley. In no particular order...

1. South Padre Island
a. Beach walk
b. Dirty Al's
c. Pirate's Landing
d. Kite Festival
e. Port Isabel- The Shrimp boats is a comin'

2. Basilica at San Juan
Even if you are not Catholic this is worth a stop.

3. Nuevo Progreso, Mexico
Everyone has a favorite place to eat/shop so go on down and develop your own favorites.

4. Riverside- right on the Rio Grande River. Great Food and Music. A fun place to gather with friends. Located south of Mission TX

5. Ropa Usada- means used clothing in Spanish and there are several places south on 23rd street out of McAllen where bargain hunters load up with used items for pennies a pound. An experience not to be missed.

6. Los Ebanos hand-pulled Ferry. This is not a highly touted tourist attraction. You can ride the ferry across the Rio Grande by car, bicycle or on foot and then it is about a mile to the first little Mexican village. They do not cater to all the fanciful things you will find in Nuevo Progreso. They are friendly but it is Mexico at a more primitive level. English is not spoken by many. It is a whole other country.

7. Golf at several different courses all of them a bargain compared to other parts of the country.

8. Park Activities- We cannot overlook our own backyard. 

9. Santa Ana National Park- Your Golden Age Pass will get you into the park to spend several hours enjoying nature.

10. Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park
See Javelina and every bird known to the Rio Grande Valley.

11. The original Iwo Jima Memorial in Harlingen TX

Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

13. Lots of people go to Port Mansfield to see the deer and other wildlife 

14. Port of Brownsville tour