Saturday, June 20, 2020

Bits & Pieces Friday 6-19-2020

Bits & Pieces
Friday 6-19-2020

Barbara Jacobson is asking for prayers for Jake. He went to the hospital with A-Fib and after tests were found to have a very enlarged Aorta stump (the part that goes into your heart) and ascending aorta. He also has a bad valve. Haven't tested for blockages yet.  Because of his previous stoke, A-fib, and low platelets, the surgery will be very high risk. We are waiting now for Mayo Clinic to accept us as a patient. Time to spin the prayer wheel again.

I got a call from Coke Fellenstein telling me she was finally home. She wants to thank everyone who sent cards for her Birthday and get wells cards. She said the cards were waiting for her to get home. She was going through them when she called me. There were so many it was going to take a while to go through them. Thank you thank you.

I want to thank those who sent me best wishes for my cataract surgery. I haven't been able to see without glasses and a long time. And I can for now. I have the other eye done in two weeks.

Have a good evening!!

Betsie Brown

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bits & Pieces Wednesday 6-10-2020

We had a great time at Trophy Gardens in January 2020.  We would like to purchase a Park Model for this next winter.  Do you know of anyone that wants to sell their Park Model?  How about someone that would want to rent their unit for Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. and Mar?  If so, call Gary and Linda France at 402-616-9695.

From Eunice Meyer; Thanks for the info about Rosie's family...she and Paul were our next-door neighbors the first year we came to Trophy and were so friendly and helpful to us greenhorn campers.  I was doing o.k. staying home but did get out and buy some plants.  As I went to my front yard to plant the last 2, my knee gave out and I fell face down on the lawn.  My glasses took a big chunk of skin off my nose so I still look bad after 2 weeks but I am just so thankful no major bones were broken.  I do appreciate the face mask because it hides my scarred face! Stay safe and well! STAY SAFE EUNICE!!

Have a good evening!!

Betsie Brown

Monday, June 8, 2020

Bits & Pieces Sunday 6-7-2020

From Sally Seeke---Sadly, I am writing to inform you that my husband, Rod Seeke, passed away on May 29. We spent many happy winters at Trophy, and remember the good friends and activities at the park. Cards can be sent to Sally at N85W17124 Lee Place, Menomonee Falls, WI  53051

Terry, you best sell that and stay at Holiday Inn Express. Ha! Have a great vacation. From Mike Hammes.

Have a great week!!

Betsie Brown

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Bits & Pieces Friday 5-7-2020

Trip to Michigan-Terry & Gayle Steinbeck:

It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.  We made it to Michigan Friday, but not without a few problems.  Luckily it didn't rain while we were on the road, just thunderstorms every night. The first day on the way to La Grange the bike rack lock malfunctioned and I almost lost my bike. It was still there, but the rear wheel rim is bent.(new wheel coming).  Someone forgot to close the bathroom roof vent when we left for Texarkana, bye-bye cover.  Didn't notice until that night when going to the potty that not only was it raining outside, but also inside.  Upon the roof with storage container and woodblock to hold it in place for the the rain.  The day before, somewhere around Henderson that "call" came, so quickly turn into a Kroger parking lot, downhill, almost ripped off the spare tire. Good news when we got to Sikeston, I was able to find a roof vent cover...almost plug and play.  Since the spare tire had been desperately hanging on, I decided to do a little maintenance on the mount.  Hammered some brackets back into shape (almost like new??).  Arrived at our campground in Michigan and after the usual uncomplimentary exchanges, and after what seemed like hours, we made it into our spot.  I did manage to uproot some small pine trees and rearranged some landscape timbers. Also broke off the washing machine sewer dump on the trailer...big deal...we don't have a washer.  Just another uneventful trip!!  Time to settle in and enjoy the cool weather...but not giving up my shorts.

This only happens in the movies !! Thanks, made my day.

Nathalie Anderson made 49 baby quilts for Janice Teppo to take to the NICU Janice goes to hold babies. These can now be delivered as Janice couldn't get into the UICU before due to the virus. Nathalie made them during the pandemic. As Janice said that “even during this scary time it shows that Trophy Gardens Cares.” Thank you, Nathalie!!

Trophy people are caring people!!

Betsie Brown

Thanks to Betsie and all that keep her informed for assistance in keeping the blog active and interesting throughout the summer.
Barb Brooker

Friday, June 5, 2020

Bits & Pieces Thursday 6-4-202

 Bits & Pieces
Thursday 6-4-202

Please add Dan Pratt's birthday on June 24th.

I had a nice visit with Charles Fellenstein this afternoon. Charles is feeling good and he is happy that he has lost some weight while Coke has been in the hospital. It has been 10 days since he has seen her due to the virus. They do talk on the phone. He said that Coke had a pacemaker put in. She will go to rehab for 5 to 7 days and then home to the park. He did ask that please no phone calls to Coke for now. They plan to stay in the park through part of March when they will move back to Kansas near family. We wish them both well!!

I hear that Trophy has had a lot of rain. I was afraid it was going to be a dry summer with high temperatures. On Facebook, I saw Liz Pish line dancing in the flooded street.

Wishing y'all a good evening.....

Betsie Brown